Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tuesday 4/22/2008


For Earth day, RY Shandon and I ate all raw for the day. It was so much fun!

Breakfast- my typical green smoothie and a big bowl of cut up strwaberries, pineapple, blueberries and apples

Snack- a trail mix of cashews, almonds, walnuts, goji berries, dried cranberries and cacoa nibs

Lunch- A salad topped with raw balsamic vinegar dressing from The Thrive Diet...4 cup hemp oil, 1 cup balsamic vinegar, 3 cloves garlic, with shredded carrots, brocolli and tomatoes...a mango fruit smoothie and another bowl of fruit

Dinner- Walnut tacos from rawvolution topped with homemade salsa and guacmole

Dessert- Sarmas strawberry tarts from carol Alts Raw 50

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