Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday- 4/20/2008

Today Ryan and I went to Santa Monica for the day, and they were having an apple music festival and it was nuts! Hippie, earth-conscious people EVERYWHERE! It was awesome!

Breakfast- we drank a green smoothie in the car on the way there and I cut up some fruit to eat once we got there (it was only a 40 minute drive)

Snack- We went to Wild Oats so I could get a few things for my Memphis trip this weekend and I got a vegan poppy seed cookie to eat as we shopped

Lunch- EUPHORIA LOVES RAWVOLUTION!! Yes, we finally went to rawvolution- the vegan, raw restaurant in Santa Monica. I was so giddy and ordered the italiano pizza, creamy taco salad, marinated greens salad and had some of Ryan mushroom burger. We drank goji berry lemonade which was wonderful and a green juice that I HATED, it had cucumbers in it and was SO gross, LOL! Dessert was a chocolate cookie dough ball and an apple raisin cookie.

Dinner-no dinner, out lunch was HUGE

Dessert- air popped popcorn with some olive oil spray and salt. About 1 hour I got hungry (probably because i skipped dinner) and had some cinnamon raisin ezekiel toast with my new raw walnut butter that I got at Rawvolution. YUM!

Workout- walking around all day for a good 6 hours

1 comment:

Theearthenone said...

What a lovely reflection on the journey with food! As someone living the vegan lifestyle india, I can relate to how food plays such a meaningful role in our lives. It's great to see more people embracing diverse diets and enjoying what they eat. If you're interested in exploring delicious plant-based recipes, feel free to visit my website The Earthen One for some inspiration!